Our Story


Hi, my name is Jubilee Chen and thank you for visiting our foundation’s website where our goal is to provide affordable dental work for abused women.

My inspiration for creating this foundation first came from Covid-19. The virus has caused a rise in domestic abuse across the nation because women are forced to stay at home with their abusers. This statistic is horrifying and immediately I knew they were the group I wanted to help. In addition, in 8th grade I did a research paper on human sex trafficking which opened my eyes to the injustices of the world and how appalling it is that so many women’s human rights are being taken away. As for the dental side of things, my dad is a dentist so I have been exposed to that side of the spectrum and have many connections to other dentists willing to take part in this foundation.

Even before Covid, dental care has been one of the most inaccessible types of healthcare in addition to being one of the most expensive. Covid has caused more teeth grinding, toothaches and more pain. I have come from a life of privilege and given this, I believe it is the responsibility of the more privileged to help the disadvantaged and give back to their community. Recently, especially this year, there have been many political movements about social justice. Through them, I realized that slogans aren’t enough, instead action is what matters and I want to be a part of the solution. As for the name, “The Smile Within,” it is meant to emphasize how once the women are treated for their dental problems it is not only their smile that is restored, but their confidence as well. I truly believe that this foundation is a great step in giving these women the physical and emotional healing they deserve.